"Serving as a Democracy Fellow for the past two years has been an incredible experience! Through a wide variety of trainings, discussion blocks and team check-ins, I have learned so much about civic engagement and voter activism on a college campus. I’ve utilized this information to host voter registration drives, election and debate watch parties, tabling events, and voter education initiatives throughout my four years at Rollins College."
"Working with CVP throughout college has allowed me to create a real impact on my campus and connect with students that I might not have otherwise met. Holding events, talking with leaders and registering college students has been an extremely fulfilling part of my college experience."
“To students just starting their time with CVP: "Have fun! Each institution is on a different path so there is so much to learn."
"CVP gives you the resources and skills to actually do the things I had wished for years I could do and have the ability and title to actually do something and have more sway with administration and election officials than just an average student."
"[CVP] is more than just telling people how to register to vote, it's about promoting democracy for everyone."
"Serving as a Democracy Fellow for the past two years has been an incredible experience! Through a wide variety of trainings, discussion blocks and team check-ins, I have learned so much about civic engagement and voter activism on a college campus. I’ve utilized this information to host voter registration drives, election and debate watch parties, tabling events, and voter education initiatives throughout my four years at Rollins College."
"CVP opens the doors for connections not only across the state, but across the nation too."
"You can do anything you set your mind to. Set goals and try your best to get there!"
"The work that CVP does is so important and should be encouraged. CVP has opened the door for me to step into the world that I want to work in, which is fighting for issues that you believe in. Remember that there is always room for improvement, and that is what CVP is here to work towards!"
"The special part about participating with CVP that I wish others understood is that it gives you the ability to do something. It is one thing to know about voting and voting barriers and another to help people directly. It is a rewarding and impactful way to be apart of your local community."
"It has been a great experience working alongside my team on campus, who are particularly passionate and focused on driving student engagement. CVP as a whole has given me critical knowledge and leadership skills."
"It has been a true blessing to work with CVP. I have found a community of support and a place where I feel accepted as a student voting advocate. They have given me new ideas that I can implement on campus and friends that I would have never met."
"[Working with CVP] is fun and meaningful work. Take advantage of the time that you have with CVP."
"[My work with CVP] has meant so much to me. While working with CVP I have been able to expand campus poll involvement and meet lifelong friends."
"I have learned a lot about election politics and how to work with students, staff, and faculty at my university to foster a community that cares about civic engagement as well as political participation."
"My biggest highlight during my time with CVP has been to begin a fresh start to my campus while investing in the empowerment of others to vote."
"I have been able to feel like a more connected member of my campus and community through voter registration and civic engagement work. I felt like I truly made a mark at Texas State and was able to accomplish great things through the help of CVP resources."
"CVP has given me a purpose thats greater than myself. It has been fulfilling to have a commitment outside of my academic life that is so entwined with my school and community."
"More than anything, the people you will meet, connect with, and grow alongside are people you will cherish forever. There is nothing like the support you'll find from peers and staff at CVP. Lean on them and be leaned on in this fight to make a healthier democracy!"
"I wish others understood how satisfying it is to help each and every individual become an engaged citizen. Sometimes this work is done with a very small amount of people which can be a bit draining. However, I prefer to look at each individual life that I have changed and extrapolate that out over their lifetime. This helps me to see how many individual elections I have influenced during my time with CVP."
To students just starting their time with CVP: "You'll love it."
"Working with CVP has allowed me to learn a lot more about voting and pay more attention to the laws and things that are being implemented right under my nose. As someone who just became of age to vote, I feel like knowing this information is critical to know about."
"I really enjoyed the bond you create with other fellows throughout the fellowship!"
"I have loved getting to work with CVP. During the time I got to work with awesome people dedicated to getting students out to vote."
"[My work with CVP] has meant a ton to me, it feels great knowing you are making a difference in the world around you!"
"It’s meant a lot to me working for CVP I was able to be more involved in my campus and create friendships. Love the space that is provided for all who is wanting to be civically engaged."
"Campus Vote Project has endowed me with the confidence and resources to take my civic engagement to the next level."
"CVP has motivated me, created exceptional opportunities, and given me an outstanding community. I have throughly loved my time with CVP!"
"CVP has introduced me to the realities and opportunities that lie on my campus for civic engagement. It has allowed me to serve in many different capacities on campus such as assisting professors with events, conducting class announcements, working with other state and local organizations, and so much more. Lastly, CVP is an outstanding network of like minded students and alumni."
"Participating in CVP helps to open your eyes to the real problems that have to do with voting and elections. It helps you to see where the system is lacking and gives you the ability to step in on your campus and make a real difference for students.
"I would encourage [students just starting their time with CVP] to take this time to grow individually as they’re enhancing their campuses. Investing in the sustainability of the program and its continuing success after they’ve left is important to the goals of CVP manifesting the objectives it sets out to accomplish."
Campus Vote Project is a project of Fair Elections Center. Visit Site